
Wednesday 26 November 2014

When whatever you eat turns into muscle

For bodybuilders, the one-hour period after an intense workout is crucial. The tired muscles need rich nutrients to recover and grow. The muscles grow at their fastest in this period. What the bodybuilder consumes in this period decides whether the workout would add to the muscles and strengthen them or whether the effort goes waste. Bodybuilders must ingest the following supplements immediately after workouts. 

The post-workout supplement

A post workout supplement can comprise liquid, tablets, or a shake. These will be a mix of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, and vitamins. Protein is necessary immediately after workouts. Muscles need amino acids to grow bigger and stronger. Protein has amino acids, which build the muscles. The proteins should be digested quickly. Casein, a slow and steady protein that prolongs the muscle making, is also required. Fast and slow-digesting protein powders increase the muscle gain.

Replenish the lost body resources

During workouts, the body burns up muscle glycogen, stored as carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the energy source for all activities. They have to be replenished after a workout. If that is not done, the amount of glycogen stored gets reduced. Creatine uptake also promotes greater cellular hydration.

Creatine supplements

Creatine intake is mandatory in the hour after a workout. It acts as a fuel source during times of low oxygen.  Creatine intake during this critical period increases lean-mass gains and muscle strength by 10 percent. It strengthens and rebuilds muscle cells. Amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine promote muscle growth. Leucine switches on the muscle protein synthesis and raises insulin levels, thus facilitating conversion of carbs, creatine, and amino acids into muscle cells.  Glutamine raises the body’s ability to recovery naturally.

Self-made supplement

It will be a good idea for bodybuilders to prepare a mix of post-workout supplements for themselves on their own. But they can go in for readymade mixes available in online portals, as well. These are convenient and comparatively cheap. These supplements allow muscles to grow and store more energy for the next workout.

The timing

Drinking branched-chain amino acid supplements mixed with water during the last 20 minutes of the workout, 25-45 grams of whey protein or whey isolate just after the workout ends, a chicken or other food after a few minutes and some creatine in warm water make a good post-workout supplement. But this can be modified by following the examples of renowned bodybuilders.

Many claims

Many brands claim to offer the most effective postworkout supplement. Many organizations come out with ten best supplements of the year. While it is not easy to assess the correctness of these claims, bodybuilders can go by their own experience and follow a trial and error method to finally converge on the post-workout supplements best for them.  All that they have to ensure is that they get a good mix of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, and vitamins. 

Let an expert be the guide

Online portals offer great many options in post-workout supplements. They offer supporting survey findings and expert opinions in their favor. They offer added incentives like discounts. They claim that the bodybuilders are getting them cheap. It will always be better for bodybuilders to consult an expert in the field, and then, reach a decision.

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